Unlock your body, mind, and soul with Food Therapy. Explore holistic wellness for a healthier, happier you.

SNS Singular Nutrition Services

How can I help you?

It’s much more than discussing a meal plan. I call it food therapy! 

Do you feel chronic pain and discomfort? Are you fatigued? You can’t sleep and feel tired and crash in the afternoon? Do you get sick often? Do you feel hopeless trying to take control of your health- even with the help of your doctor? Are your labs all normal and no one can tell you the issue?

Guess what? You are not alone; all of this is fairly common.

And the best part: it’s completely reversible– and much easier than you think!

Hello, my name is Janine! 

I will be your guide to unlocking your body’s true potential with something I call: food therapy.

keep reading

How can I help you?

It’s much more than discussing a meal plan.

Do you feel chronic pain and discomfort? How about fatigue? You can’t sleep and feel tired and crash in the afternoon? Do you get sick often? Do you feel hopeless trying to take control of your health- even with the help of your doctor?

Guess what? You are not alone; all of this is fairly common.

And the best part

It’s completely reversible- and much easier than you think!

Hello, my name is Janine! 

I will be your guide to unlocking your body’s true potential with something I call: Food Therapy.

keep reading

Welcome to Singular Nutrition Services

At Singular Nutrition Services, we believe the path to a healthier, happier you begins with the food on your plate. Welcome to a world where eating is not just about satisfying hunger but a powerful tool for healing and well-being – a concept we lovingly call Food Therapy.

Food therapy is a holistic approach to health that harnesses the incredible potential of nutrient-rich foods to nourish your body, mind, and soul. It’s about making mindful choices beyond diets; it’s a lifestyle that embraces the healing power of what you eat.

Imagine if the key to unlocking your vitality and preventing illness lies in the very food you consume daily. That’s the essence of food therapy. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution but a personalized journey, recognizing that each of us is unique, with our own nutritional needs and health goals.

At Singular Nutrition Services, we don’t believe in fad diets. Instead, we work with you to create a customized wellness plan that fits seamlessly into your life. Whether you aim to manage a health condition, boost energy, or feel better, our team of experts guides you.

Have you ever felt rushed during a meal, barely tasting what’s on your plate? Food therapy encourages mindful eating – savoring each bite, appreciating the flavors, and being present. It’s not just about what you eat but how you eat it.

At SNS Singular Nutrition Services, we are more than just a guide on your wellness journey – we’re your health and wellness partners. Our approach is built on the foundational belief that, with the proper nutrients, your body can heal and thrive. We stand proudly as an inclusive practice, welcoming individuals from all walks of life on their unique paths to well-being. Our philosophy is nutrient-centric, focusing on the vital role of balanced and nourishing food in enhancing your overall health. Combining the latest in nutritional science with a commitment to inclusivity, we aim to empower everyone to achieve their health goals and live their best lives.

Ready to embark on a delicious journey to wellness? Explore our resources, recipes, and expert tips. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or just starting, Singular Nutrition Services is your companion on the road to a healthier, happier you.

Don't miss our tips!

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Welcome to Singular Nutrition Services: Your Journey to Health Through Food

At Singular Nutrition Services, we believe the path to a healthier, happier you begins with the food on your plate. Welcome to a world where eating is not just about satisfying hunger but a powerful tool for healing and well-being – a concept we lovingly call Food Therapy.

Food therapy is a holistic approach to health that harnesses the incredible potential of nutrient-rich foods to nourish your body, mind, and soul. It’s about making mindful choices beyond diets; it’s a lifestyle that embraces the healing power of what you eat.

Imagine if the key to unlocking your vitality and preventing illness lies in the very food you consume daily. That’s the essence of food therapy. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution but a personalized journey, recognizing that each of us is unique, with our own nutritional needs and health goals.

At Singular Nutrition Services, we don’t believe in fad diets. Instead, we work with you to create a customized wellness plan that fits seamlessly into your life. Whether you aim to manage a health condition, boost energy, or feel better, our team of experts guides you.

Have you ever felt rushed during a meal, barely tasting what’s on your plate? Food therapy encourages mindful eating – savoring each bite, appreciating the flavors, and being present. It’s not just about what you eat but how you eat it.

At SNS Singular Nutrition Services, we are more than just a guide on your wellness journey – we’re your health and wellness partners. Our approach is built on the foundational belief that, with the proper nutrients, your body can heal and thrive. We stand proudly as an inclusive practice, welcoming individuals from all walks of life on their unique paths to well-being. Our philosophy is nutrient-centric, focusing on the vital role of balanced and nourishing food in enhancing your overall health. Combining the latest in nutritional science with a commitment to inclusivity, we aim to empower everyone to achieve their health goals and live their best lives.

Ready to embark on a delicious journey to wellness? Explore our resources, recipes, and expert tips. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or just starting, Singular Nutrition Services is your companion on the road to a healthier, happier you.

Don't miss our tips!

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Discovery Call

15-30 minutes
Put your health first and schedule a 15-minute call with us so that we can briefly discuss your issues and how we can provide assistance. Let’s talk and see if we are a good fit.

Initial Consultation

55 minutes
We use an initial consultation to dive deep into your issues. We learn when you became sick, your symptoms, your past medical history, and what your goals are.

Follow-Up Session

30/40/55 minutes
This is the educational part of our work. We discuss your progress with your problems and we also dive deep into how the new foods are affecting your levels of energy and other symptoms.

Discovery Call

15-30 minutes
Put your health first and schedule a 15-minute call with us so that we can briefly discuss your issues and how we can provide assistance. Let’s talk and see if we are a good fit.

Initial Consultation

90 minutes
We use an initial consultation to dive deep into your issues. We learn when you became sick, your symptoms, your past medical history, and what your goals are.

Follow-Up Session

60 minutes
This is the educational part of our work. We discuss your progress with your problems and we also dive deep into how the new foods are affecting your levels of energy and other symptoms.

Nutrition Coaching Hub

Supermarket Tours

Discover healthier choices with our clinical nutritionist as your guide! Join our Supermarket Tours to decode labels, spot nutrient-rich foods, and make informed selections for your well-being.

Speaking Engagements

Bring health expertise to your event! Our clinical nutritionist delivers engaging speaking engagements on various nutrition topics. Inspire and empower your audience with evidence-based insights for a healthier lifestyle.

Community Outreach Events

Foster a healthier community with our outreach events. Join us for engaging activities, informative sessions, and resources that empower individuals and families to make informed nutrition choices.

Group Classes

Elevate your health journey in our dynamic group classes. Led by our expert nutritionist, these sessions cover nutrition fundamentals and practical tips for incorporating healthy habits into your daily life.

Meal Planning Workshops

Master mindful eating through our workshops. Our nutritionist guides you in creating balanced meal plans tailored to your needs. Gain practical skills for enjoyable and sustainable meal planning.

Mindful Eating Sessions

Transform your relationship with food in Mindful Eating Sessions. Led by our experienced nutritionist, learn to savor each bite, tune into your body’s signals, and cultivate a mindful approach to nourishment for improved overall health.

Nutrition Coaching Hub

Supermarket Tours

Discover healthier choices with our clinical nutritionist as your guide! Join our Supermarket Tours to decode labels, spot nutrient-rich foods, and make informed selections for your well-being.

Speaking Engagements

Bring health expertise to your event! Our clinical nutritionist delivers engaging speaking engagements on various nutrition topics. Inspire and empower your audience with evidence-based insights for a healthier lifestyle.

Community Outreach Events

Foster a healthier community with our outreach events. Join us for engaging activities, informative sessions, and resources that empower individuals and families to make informed nutrition choices.

Group Classes

Elevate your health journey in our dynamic group classes. Led by our expert nutritionist, these sessions cover nutrition fundamentals and practical tips for incorporating healthy habits into your daily life.

Meal Planning Workshops

Master mindful eating through our workshops. Our nutritionist guides you in creating balanced meal plans tailored to your needs. Gain practical skills for enjoyable and sustainable meal planning.

Mindful Eating Sessions

Transform your relationship with food in Mindful Eating Sessions. Led by our experienced nutritionist, learn to savor each bite, tune into your body’s signals, and cultivate a mindful approach to nourishment for improved overall health.


  • Cancer Screening
  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis (Microbiology)
  • DNA Analysis
  • Drug Screening
  • Food Sensitivity / Inflammation
  • Genetic Health
  • GI-MAP DNA Stool Analysis
  • Heavy Metal and Others
    (Toxic & Essential Elements)
  • Neurotransmitter
  • Nutritional
  • Pre-Packaged Blood Panel
  • Salivary Hormone
  • SIBO / Genomic Tests


  • Cancer Screening
  • Comprehensive Stool Analysis (Microbiology)
  • DNA Analysis
  • Drug Screening
  • Food Sensitivity / Inflammation
  • Genetic Health
  • GI-MAP DNA Stool Analysis
  • Heavy Metal and Others (Toxic & Essential Elements)
  • Neurotransmitter
  • Nutritional
  • Pre-Packaged Blood Panel
  • Salivary Hormone
  • SIBO / Genomic Tests


Very professional!!! Extremely caring, concerned about my health, nutrition, and in my well-being. I have never had this exceptional type of treatment for my nutrition. Thank you so much! I will refer others!

Dee Dunlap

I worked with Janine at SNS for several months. My goal was to eat healthier and make sure that I'm getting all the nutrients our bodies need. I began by logging every meal that I was eating and then Janine would analyze this and make suggestions for the following week. Before long these changes became habits for me (and the scale was showing better results too). I would highly recommend SNS and Janine for anyone wanting to improve their life.

Dan G

I've been working with Janine for a few months now to optimize my hormone health using food and other nutritional measures. Her smart, thorough, tailored, and empathetic approach has helped me immensely. Highly recommended!

Cheryl Clayton

SNS knowledge, dedication and support are extraordinary. My son became sick during our family road trip vacation last Fall. He had nausea, vomiting and extreme fatigue. He couldn't enjoy the things he most cherished such as family and friends gatherings, eating out, and enjoying the outdoors. His symptoms were on and off, and after many lab and imaging tests, the doctors couldn't define what was the cause and how to make him feel better. Then I asked SNS to help us. In a couple of weeks, SNS restored my son's vitality through simple steps such as suggestions of what foods/drinks to avoid, recommendations of teas, and introducing supplements little by little, since his digestive system was very weak.

SNS offered close supervision and lots of support. My son was back on his feet quickly, and although we are still investigating what caused all this trouble, he is back to being a very active and healthy young man. We are very appreciative of SNS support and we highly recommend their services.

Walkiria Pauli

For the past 50+ years, I have been battling Anorexia Nervosa, a life-threatening illness. During this time, I have worked towards recovery with many psychiatrists, psychologists, and nutritionists. With another birthday around the corner and several health issues related to my many years of restriction, I recently began working with Janine Rodrigues, a Certified Nutritionist. Janine is knowledgeable, dedicated, and caring.

She makes recommendations and lets me decide whether to act upon them. She does not push anything on me. Yes, it's scary not to be as "connected" to ED, but with Janine's support and some of my fears are being allayed. I hadn't cooked for myself in years, and since working with Janine, I have prepared several recipes she recommended for my specific nutritional needs. I'm confident that, with Janine's expertise in nutrition, I'll be able to go further on my road to recovery.

Wendy Levine


Very professional!!! Extremely caring, concerned about my health, nutrition, and in my well-being. I have never had this exceptional type of treatment for my nutrition. Thank you so much! I will refer others!

Dee Dunlap

I worked with Janine at SNS for several months. My goal was to eat healthier and make sure that I'm getting all the nutrients our bodies need. I began by logging every meal that I was eating and then Janine would analyze this and make suggestions for the following week. Before long these changes became habits for me (and the scale was showing better results too). I would highly recommend SNS and Janine for anyone wanting to improve their life.

Dan G

I've been working with Janine for a few months now to optimize my hormone health using food and other nutritional measures. Her smart, thorough, tailored, and empathetic approach has helped me immensely. Highly recommended!

Cheryl Clayton

SNS knowledge, dedication and support are extraordinary. My son became sick during our family road trip vacation last Fall. He had nausea, vomiting and extreme fatigue. He couldn't enjoy the things he most cherished such as family and friends gatherings, eating out, and enjoying the outdoors. His symptoms were on and off, and after many lab and imaging tests, the doctors couldn't define what was the cause and how to make him feel better. Then I asked SNS to help us. In a couple of weeks, SNS restored my son's vitality through simple steps such as suggestions of what foods/drinks to avoid, recommendations of teas, and introducing supplements little by little, since his digestive system was very weak.

SNS offered close supervision and lots of support. My son was back on his feet quickly, and although we are still investigating what caused all this trouble, he is back to being a very active and healthy young man. We are very appreciative of SNS support and we highly recommend their services.

Walkiria Pauli

For the past 50+ years, I have been battling Anorexia Nervosa, a life-threatening illness. During this time, I have worked towards recovery with many psychiatrists, psychologists, and nutritionists. With another birthday around the corner and several health issues related to my many years of restriction, I recently began working with Janine Rodrigues, a Certified Nutritionist. Janine is knowledgeable, dedicated, and caring.

She makes recommendations and lets me decide whether to act upon them. She does not push anything on me. Yes, it's scary not to be as "connected" to ED, but with Janine's support and some of my fears are being allayed. I hadn't cooked for myself in years, and since working with Janine, I have prepared several recipes she recommended for my specific nutritional needs. I'm confident that, with Janine's expertise in nutrition, I'll be able to go further on my road to recovery.

Wendy Levine


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