Gut healing is a buzz expression these days, and many people are talking about that. I started learning more about progressive supranuclear palsy and the connection between the brain and the gut (the gut-brain axis).
The gut is a tube where nutrient absorption happens. If you are sensitive to gluten or celiac, the matter is fundamental. But there are other instances in which healing the gut is vital. With my experience thus far, I’d say that healing the gut is one of the first things we should try to address. I am oversimplifying, but it’s what it does.
I always love hearing about new ways to eat apples since apples are nutritious, but not everybody enjoys them daily. This week I listened to an interview with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, one of the famous doctors on gut healing protocols. He is known for his work on eliminating gluten and auto-immune disease. You can find out more about those topics here. Dr. O’Bryan explains that pectin is fantastic for gut healing. He recommends boiling organic apples until they are soft and blending them to maximize their pectin bioavailability. Pectin is also available in plums, pears, and citrus fruits (Elshahed et al., 2021). It doesn’t surprise me that some of these “p” fruits are recommended to improve constipation issues.
According to Elshahed, pectin improves cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, is an immunomodulator, and reduces gut inflammation (Elshahed et al., 2021). The interaction between this complex, non-digestible carbohydrate and the bacteria that inhabit the intestines makes this physiological miracle happen! I did check PubMed to see what kind of studies are available on the benefits of pectin on the microbiome, and there are some.
I decided to make the recipe and read more about it because I will incorporate this recipe as part of a protocol for my clients. It’s easy to make and delicious! It needs no added sugars, and I just used a bit of organic cinnamon and mint to flavor my sauce. Once you wash your apples, cut them, add water, cinnamon, and mint leaves to the pan and simmer the mix until the apples are tender, your house will also smell amazing.

Blend the mixture with a little bit of the water from the cooking, and you will have a marvelous organic apple sauce. Those who want to improve their gut health should eat this wonderful apple sauce every day. It’s equally delicious warm or cold.

Organic, homemade apple sauce
Elshahed, M. S., Miron, A., Aprotosoaie, A. C., & Farag, M. A. (2021). Pectin in diet: Interactions with the human microbiome, role in gut homeostasis, and nutrient-drug interactions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 255, 117388.
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